In a prestigious ceremony at the Majestic Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, on October 31, 2023, the Sabah Skills & Technology Centre (SSTC) emerged triumphant as the recipient of the 2023 HRD Corp Award in the Training Provider Category for the Sabah Region.The gala, marking the 21st edition of the HRD Awards, was officiated by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Plantation and Commodities, YAB Dato’ Sri Haji Fadillah bin Yusof.This annual event, hosted by HRD Corp, recognized 44 winners across various categories, celebrating businesses, individuals, trainers, and training providers.
Introduced in 2001 under the Ministry of Human Resources, the HRD Awards holds a distinguished reputation for acknowledging entities that drive innovative human capital transformation efforts. SSTC’s elation at receiving this esteemed accolade reflects not only its commitment to excellence but also underscores its dedication to pioneering transformative initiatives in human resource development. This recognition serves as a catalyst for SSTC to propel forward, continuously setting higher standards in cultivating a dynamic and skilled workforce for the advancement of society and industries.